Kazakhstan energy

Kambarata-1 Brings Kyrgyz, Kazakh, and Uzbek Energy Officials Together in Tashkent
By Catherine Putz
The hydropower project in Kyrgyzstan has tapped into the region’s thirst for cooperation.

Nuclear Power Referendum Passes in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
Critics argue that the Kazakh people were presented a largely one-sided positive view of the referendum, making the victory of the “yes” camp unsurprising.

Central Asian Energy Ministers Hold ‘First’ Meeting
By Catherine Putz
Branded as the “first” gathering of the region’s energy ministers, the meeting resulted in a jint communique promising further cooperation in the energy sphere.

Wind in the Sails of Renewables in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
Astana signs yet another wind farm deal, this time with COP28 host UAE’s Masdar for the development of a 1 gigawatt wind power project.

Central Asia’s Great Energy Paradox
By Assel Tutumlu and Farkhod Aminjonov
Why does the energy-rich region experience such frequent power and heating failures?

The Transition to Sustainable Heating in Central Asia Is Critical and Achievable
By Charles Cormier and Jas Singh
A transition to sustainable heating would mean fuel and cost savings, lower emissions, and greater energy independence.

Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Kazakh Energy Ministers Sign Kambar-Ata-1 Roadmap
By Catherine Putz
All three countries have suffered from energy shortages this winter, underscoring the need for new sources across the region.

Can Kazakhstan Become Carbon Neutral by 2060?
By Kamila Auyezova and Wilder Alejandro Sánchez
If the necessary policies are implemented, the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060 is ambitious, but achievable.

Blackouts Strike Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan
By Catherine Putz
The widespread blackout highlights a series of interconnected and concerning problems relating to reliable energy supplies in the region

Nuclear Energy in Kazakhstan? The Problem of Accountability
By Nazira Kozhanova
In Kazakhstan, the topic of nuclear energy comes wrapped in the legacy of the Semipalatinsk, the Soviet nuclear testing site.

Kazakh President Sets Ambitious Goals for Renewables
By Paolo Sorbello
The question for the future development of renewable energy sources is whether the goals are, in fact, too ambitious.

The Green Steppe? Kazakhstan and Its Green Energy Future
By Wilder Alejandro Sanchez
Can gas and oil-dependent Kazakhstan increase its reliance on greener energy sources?
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