China gray zone tactics

China’s Undersea Cable Sabotage
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Raymond Powell.

Beijing’s Targeting of Taiwan’s Undersea Cables Previews Cross-Strait Tensions Under a Trump Presidency
By Hans Horan
We can expect China to test the resilience of the Taiwan-U.S. partnership under Trump with more gray-zone operations.

Another Severed Submarine Cable Raises Alarm in Taiwan
By Brian Hioe
A series of incidents, both at home and in Europe, stoked concerns about Chinese attempts to disrupt telecommunications in Taiwan.

Missing in the Gray Zone? China’s Maritime Militia Forces Around Taiwan
By Ryan D. Martinson
While maritime militia forces are not playing a major role in China’s multi-pronged pressure campaign against Taiwan, they are not completely absent from the battlespace.

The Philippines Should Take Note: ‘Assertive Transparency’ Is Not a Strategy
By Vincent Kyle Parada
Faced with a country indifferent to reputational costs, Manila’s campaign to illuminate China’s gray-zone activities in the South China Sea is producing diminishing returns.

Facing up to China’s Hybrid Warfare in the Pacific
By Anne-Marie Brady
The China Coast Guard is expanding its reach in the Pacific, part of a broader campaign to increase Beijing’s security role in the region.

With Military Drills, Info Ops, China Steps up Gray Zone Pressure on Taiwan’s New Government
By Sze-Fung Lee
It’s time to pursue cross-domain deterrence against China’s hybrid warfare in the Taiwan Strait.

Comparing Gray-Zone Tactics in the Red Sea and the South China Sea
By Thomas Lim and Eric Ang
The Houthis’ activities in the Red Sea and the Chinese actions around Second Thomas Shoal have notable similarities in tactical conduct and adversarial responses.

The Philippines’ Transparency Over the South China Sea: Quo Vadis?
By Huynh Tam Sang
Manila's transparency strategy needs to go beyond “name and shame” campaigns.

Will China Embrace Nuclear Brinkmanship as It Reaches Nuclear Parity?
By Michael Tkacik
In the future, China may incorporate nuclear weapons into its framework of political threats, intimidation, and even the use of force to achieve its international goals.
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