attacks on Chinese in Pakistan

A Subtle Shift in China’s Approach to Engaging With Pakistan?
By Umair Jamal
Its public critique of Pakistan's CPEC security woes risks deepening diplomatic strain.

Chinese General Li’s Ill-Timed Visit to Pakistan
By Ghulam Ali
By sending its top army official to Pakistan on the anniversary of a prominent separatist leader's death, China risks inadvertently fanning the flames of anti-China resentment in Balochistan.

Ensuring Security for Progress: Pakistan’s Commitment to Chinese Safety
By Ayesha Sikandar
In the face of continued attacks, Pakistan is making efforts to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals as well as foreign investments.

Another Attack on Chinese Nationals in Pakistan Puts CPEC Back Under Scrutiny
By Asfandiyar
In recent years, Chinese projects and nationals have continuously faced terror threats across the country.

After Attacks on Chinese Nationals, Pakistan Pledges More Security
By Munir Ahmed
China has been demanding more security from Pakistan for its nationals residing and working in the Islamic country for a few years now.

China Is Unnerved by Increasing Attacks on Chinese in Pakistan
By Kiyya Baloch
Ethnic separatists have recently launched a series of targeted attacks on Chinese citizens living in Pakistan, with the latest murder happening in Karachi on September 28.
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