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2 Regions, 1 Theater: Indivisibility of Security Between the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific

2 Regions, 1 Theater: Indivisibility of Security Between the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from William Alberque.
India’s New Space-Based Spy Network

India’s New Space-Based Spy Network

By Usman Haider
India is pushing ahead with an ambitious project to build an indigenous constellation of space-based surveillance capabilities.

The Mauritius-UK Chagos Agreement Is a Good Deal for the US

The Mauritius-UK Chagos Agreement Is a Good Deal for the US

By Peter Harris
President Trump should not stand in the way of the breakthrough, which benefits all sides. 

India Strengthens its Naval Muscle Amid an Uptick in Global Uncertainty, Challenges

India Strengthens its Naval Muscle Amid an Uptick in Global Uncertainty, Challenges

By Elizabeth Roche
Last week, the Indian Navy commissioned two indigenously developed warships and one submarine.

How Did ISKP React to the HTS Victory in Syria?

How Did ISKP React to the HTS Victory in Syria?

By Abdul Sayed and Riccardo Valle
For ISKP Central Asian members in particular, the victory of HTS in Syria is a significant challenge, but also presents an opportunity.
How Taiwan Balances Cybersecurity With Human Rights in Resisting China

How Taiwan Balances Cybersecurity With Human Rights in Resisting China

By Michael Caster and Liu I-Chen
Taiwan’s approach to cybersecurity governance is not only a lesson in resisting cyber threats from China but also an important bulwark against Beijing’s attempts to set repressive digital norms.

The US Pivot to Asia Depends on Peace in Ukraine

The US Pivot to Asia Depends on Peace in Ukraine

By Martijn van Ette and Andrew Gawthorpe
In the 1950s the U.S. carried out a pivot from Asia to Europe – despite the outbreak of the Korean War. Trump can learn from that history.
The Case for South Korea Prohibiting Anti-North Korean Leaflet Launches

The Case for South Korea Prohibiting Anti-North Korean Leaflet Launches

By Chaerin Kim
That the provocations exchanged between the Koreas – leaflets, balloons, and noise – were of relatively low intensity should give no one a sense of security. 

New Zealand-Singapore Defense Relations in a Volatile World

New Zealand-Singapore Defense Relations in a Volatile World

By Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman
Defense relations between New Zealand and Singapore clearly benefit their national security interests. What's the next step?

China’s FM Calls on Southeast Asia to Tackle Online Scamming Scourge

China’s FM Calls on Southeast Asia to Tackle Online Scamming Scourge

By Sebastian Strangio
Wang Yi told ASEAN ambassadors that scamming poses “serious threats to the vital interests of citizens from China and other countries.”

​​Beijing’s Targeting of Taiwan’s Undersea Cables Previews Cross-Strait Tensions Under a Trump Presidency

​​Beijing’s Targeting of Taiwan’s Undersea Cables Previews Cross-Strait Tensions Under a Trump Presidency

By Hans Horan
We can expect China to test the resilience of the Taiwan-U.S. partnership under Trump with more gray-zone operations.
Another Severed Submarine Cable Raises Alarm in Taiwan

Another Severed Submarine Cable Raises Alarm in Taiwan

By Brian Hioe
A series of incidents, both at home and in Europe, stoked concerns about Chinese attempts to disrupt telecommunications in Taiwan. 

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