
Vietnam’s Just Energy Transition: Whose Justice?
By Hướng Thiện
Vietnam’s so-called Just Energy Transition Partnership is actually “enabling serious human rights harms by the Vietnam government.”

How Lahore’s Smog Crisis Endangers Women’s Health and Fertility
By Fizza Abbas
There is a gender gap in the impact of air pollution, which could produce a future fertility crisis in Pakistan.

Nepal Bans Everest Helicopter Sightseeing
By Birat Anupam
It can be expected to impact the Himalayan country’s tourism industry.

Nepal’s Mountain Communities Contemplate the End of ‘Himalayan Gold’
By Eileen McDougall
Over-picking and climate change threaten the future of yartsa gunbu and the communities that have come to rely on income generated by the lucrative fungus.

COP29 Failed the ‘Third Pole’: Wither Tibet in the Climate Agenda?
By Varuna Shankar and Jagannath Panda
The U.N. process shows little appetite for addressing the urgent climate crisis on the Tibetan Plateau – in part due to China’s apathy.

Solomon Islands’ Mega Coral Points the Way to Save Our Reefs
By Enric Sala
The world must dramatically curb the emission of the greenhouse gases that drive global warming. But protecting the right 30 percent of our ocean will buy us time.

Rivers of Influence: How Droughts and Chinese Investment Shape Ecuador’s Energy Crisis
By Martin Brown
Ecuador’s energy crisis has focused attention on its under-performing hydroelectric dams built by China’s state-owned enterprises.

India’s Pathways to a Just Energy Transition
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
India’s battle against climate change and toward a just energy transition is saddled with myriad challenges.

Why Are the Sindhis Protesting in Pakistan?
By Osama Ahmad
A plan to construct canals in southern Punjab has alarmed residents of Sindh Province, who fear their already scarce water “is going to be taken away.”

For Japan, Whaling Is Intertwined With Maritime Sovereignty
By Maxime Polleri
Japan argues that whaling is part of its history and culture. A rigid insistence on maritime sovereignty offers a more convincing explanation for Tokyo’s stance.

Clearing the Air: Next Steps for India-Pakistan Climate Diplomacy
By Neeraja Kulkarni
As both sides of the border experience a worsening air pollution crisis, calls for cooperation have gained momentum. Can China-U.S. climate talks show the way?

Karachi’s Air Quality Crisis: A Call for Urgent Action
By Abdul Waheed Bhutto
Pakistan’s largest city was briefly the world’s most polluted major metropolis. The recurring pollution can be stopped.