Diego Garcia naval base

The Mauritius-UK Chagos Agreement Is a Good Deal for the US
By Peter Harris
President Trump should not stand in the way of the breakthrough, which benefits all sides.

UK to Cede Chagos Islands to Mauritius, But US Base Will Remain
By Shannon Tiezzi
The U.K. will maintain de facto control over Diego Garcia, and the crucial U.S. military facility there, for another 99 years.

Why Boris Johnson Is Wrong About the British Indian Ocean Territory
By Peter Harris
It’s long past time to decolonize the Chagos Islands. None of the former PM’s reasons for keeping control is convincing.

Why Maldives Sided With Mauritius on the Chagos Islands
By Mimrah Ghafoor
Malé’s decision to recognize Mauritius’ claim to the British-held islands marks a shift in position – but a smart one.

No, Mauritius Will Not Give China a Military Base on the Chagos Islands
By Peter Harris
Fears of China occupying Diego Garcia have no basis in reality and should not be a pretext for Britain retaining control of the islands.

Mauritians Want to Reclaim the Chagos Islands. President Biden Should Support Them.
By Peter Harris
Only by acknowledging Mauritian sovereignty over the Chagos, including Diego Garcia, can the United States ensure that its military base is placed on a sustainable – and legal – footing.

Mauritius Presses Claim for Indian Ocean Islands Under ‘Unlawful’ UK Administration
By David Rising
The ICJ founded in 2019 that Mauritius is the rightful owner of the Chagos Islands, which are currently administered by Britain and host a crucial U.S. military base.

Diego Garcia: Troubling Past, Uncertain Future
By David Vine
How disputed islands, a US military base, and an exiled people’s fate reflect a transforming world.

Australia’s Cocos Islands Cannot Replace America’s Troubled Diego Garcia
By Samuel Bashfield
As U.S. defense planners consider the potential closure of Diego Garcia, they should know the limits of the Cocos Islands.

Ray Mabus
By Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe
The Diplomat’s Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe spoke with Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, discussing the current state of the Navy, the implications of the drawdown from Afghanistan, the Indian Ocean’s importance, and other issues
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