India space program

India’s New Space-Based Spy Network
By Usman Haider
India is pushing ahead with an ambitious project to build an indigenous constellation of space-based surveillance capabilities.

Measuring the Depth of India’s Space Program
By Namrata Goswami
Where India’s matrix on space power takes the hardest hit is the lack of strategic clarity regarding the “why” of its space policies.

Outer Space in the BJP’s Election Manifesto: Promises and Prospects
By Kiran Mohan Vazhapully
In one section of their manifesto, the BJP outlined its plan to make India a “leading space power.”

India’s Space Program in 2023: Taking Stock
By Namrata Goswami
2023 witnessed some rather game-changing updates to India’s space vision.

The Long Evolution of India-US Space Relations
By Noiranjana Kashyap
New Delhi and Washington have gone from apprehension to close collaboration on the development of India's space program.

The Slow Militarization of India’s Space Sector
By Anuttama Banerji
Space has become securitized and militarized within the Indian strategic discourse, with technology, assets, and other infrastructure within the domain being used for military purposes.

The Strategic and Geopolitical Significance of India’s Chandrayaan 3 Lunar Mission
By Namrata Goswami
As the race to commercially exploit the Moon heats up, India’s latest mission has big ramifications.

Defining ‘Responsible Behavior’ in Space Is a Growing Necessity
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Amid worsening geopolitical dynamics and contested great power relations, even obvious good behavior needs to be spelled out clearly.

India’s Space Cooperation With the Middle East
By Anuttama Banerji
While the traditional view holds that India’s engagement with the region is primarily focused on economics, especially energy, space cooperation is an increasingly important area.

The Lunar Race Between India and Russia: What’s at Stake?
By Namrata Goswami
Later this month, the two nations will each attempt to make a soft landing on the South Pole of the Moon. The missions will have implications for the two rival blocs now forming in space.

India Launches a Lander and Rover to Explore the Moon’s South Pole
By Aijaz Rahi and Ashok Sharma
A successful landing would make India the fourth country – after the United States, the Soviet Union, and China – to achieve the feat.

What Do We Know About India’s New Space Policy?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Among other things, the policy opens up the country's space sector to the active participation of the private sector.
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