The Diplomat | Author

Steven Stashwick
Steven Stashwick is an independent writer and researcher based in New York City focused on East Asian security and maritime issues.
He spent ten years on active duty as a Naval Officer with tours in the Pentagon and at-sea based in Japan elsewhere the Pacific. He completed graduate study in International Relations at the University of Chicago, where he focused on the impact of international rules and naval diplomacy on security and conflict escalation. Still serving in the U.S. Navy Reserve, he writes in his private capacity and does not represent official positions of the U.S. government.
Follow him on Twitter: @StevenStashwick
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May 13, 2021
US Army Tests New Missile with Pacific Threat in Mind
By Steven Stashwick
The Precision Strike Missile will give the U.S. Army a long-range anti-ship weapon.

April 30, 2021
US Navy to Put Hypersonic Missiles on Zumwalt Destroyers by 2025
By Steven Stashwick
Announcement is a reversal from earlier plans to deploy weapons on aging missile submarines first.

April 15, 2021
Chinese Militia Vessels Departing Contested South China Sea Reef
By Steven Stashwick
Over 200 Chinese ships occupied Whitsun Reef for several weeks. Only a handful remain.

April 09, 2021
Chinese Aircraft Carrier Conducts ‘Routine’ Drills Near Taiwan
By Steven Stashwick
Six warships pass through the Ryukyus to exercise east of Taiwan.

April 02, 2021
US to Host Japan, South Korea in Security Talks
By Steven Stashwick
The national security advisors of the three countries will meet at the U.S. Naval Academy.

March 26, 2021
Taiwan Mass Producing New Long-Range Missile
By Steven Stashwick
The announcement followed January tests and included news of three more missiles in development.

February 23, 2021
The Asia-Pacific is Biden’s Top Security Priority
By Steven Stashwick
But the U.S. would find it difficult to disentangle from legacy commitments in Middle East.

February 10, 2021
U.S. Marines Planning Three Specialized Units for Island Fighting
By Steven Stashwick
Littoral Combat Regiments are intended to seize and set up logistics bases on small islands.

January 28, 2021
Australia to Boost its Naval Arsenal to Counter China
By Steven Stashwick
Government announces $1 billion investment in new missiles, mine sweepers.

January 14, 2021
US Declassifies Strategy, Revealing Yawning Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality
By Steven Stashwick
The “Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific” reveals few surprises, and even fewer successes, in the last days of the Trump administration.

January 06, 2021
Third Chinese Aircraft Carrier Nears Completion Amid Shipyard Expansion
By Steven Stashwick
Work begins on fourth carrier, but future plans remain murky.

December 18, 2020
PLA No-Shows US-China Maritime Safety Talks
By Steven Stashwick
Chinese officials skipped a virtual session of the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement.