The Diplomat | Author

Dan Macklin
Dan Macklin is a political analyst and risk consultant, based between Beijing and Shanghai. He writes about Chinese politics and political economy.
Dan was previously a graduate researcher at the Oxford University China Centre, where his research focused on the role of propaganda in contemporary Chinese governance. At undergraduate level, he studied Chinese language and history at the University of Cambridge and Peking University.
You can find Dan on Twitter @thatdanmacklin or visit his personal blog.
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August 29, 2022
What’s Driving China’s Chip Sector Crackdown?
By Dan Macklin
The recent investigations come amid rising geostrategic competition, a domestic political transition, and broader regulatory tightening.

July 11, 2022
Why a Xi Jinping Third Term Looks Secure
By Dan Macklin
From key personnel appointments to a surge in loyalty displays, all signs point to China’s leader continuing in power.

June 07, 2022
China’s Risky Revival of Mao-Era Grassroots Mobilization Methods
By Dan Macklin
Mass mobilization has been key to Beijing’s pandemic strategy, but its continuation is undermining effective governance.

May 14, 2022
How Long Can Xi Prioritize ‘Zero COVID’ over the Economy?
By Dan Macklin
Past precedent suggests the Chinese leader is willing to deprioritize growth to focus on more urgent goals, but only as long as he is supported by a sufficient economic cushion.

April 20, 2022
Political Tensions Simmer Over Shanghai’s COVID-19 Crisis
By Dan Macklin
The Shanghai lockdown highlighted pre-existing fault lines in China between state and society, as well as the central and local governments.

April 01, 2022
Xiongan New Area, 5 Years on
By Dan Macklin
The much-touted mega-project is a fitting symbol for China’s political-economic transition under Xi Jinping.
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