Cold War history

The US Pivot to Asia Depends on Peace in Ukraine
By Martijn van Ette and Andrew Gawthorpe
In the 1950s the U.S. carried out a pivot from Asia to Europe – despite the outbreak of the Korean War. Trump can learn from that history.

When the US Tried to Orchestrate a Coup in Cambodia
By Matthew Jagel
Although some details remain murky, the United States was certainly involved in the Dap Chhuon Affair.

Arming to Disarm: North Korea’s Nuclear Paradox
By Soon-ok Shin
Even as its nuclear capacity continues to advance, Pyongyang will keep its anti-nuclear doctrine in place – despite the growing contradiction.

The US Needs a New Solarium for a New Grand Strategy
By James P. Farwell and Michael Miklaucic
A new grand strategy is desperately needed to meet not only the military threat posed by Russia, but the more comprehensive threat from China.

In Responding to the China Challenge, Biden Should Take a Lesson From JFK
By Nick Danby
Kennedy’s “flexible response” strategy for deterring and countering Soviet aggression in the 1960s could be used again.

70 Years Later, Families of Koreans Forced Into Labor Are Desperate for Answers
By Associated Press
Thousands of conscripted Korean men vanished on Sakhalin Island, victims of first Japan’s brutal rule and then the harsh geopolitics of the Cold War.

As US-China Competition Grows, Will Covert Regime Change Make a Return?
By Michael Poznansky and Mindy Haas
Many of the same incentives that pushed leaders into the covert sphere during the Cold War are present in the U.S.-China context.

The US Scare Campaign Against China
By David Skidmore
The political calculations behind exaggerating the “present danger” – from the Cold War to today.

5 Reasons Why China Is Not the Soviet Union
By Jin Kai
Construing China as a threat to the United States in the model of the old USSR overlooks important differences.

What the Berlin Airlift Can Teach Us About the South China Sea
By Ngo Di Lan
The U.S. failure to counter China’s “gray zone” tactics stems from a lack of will, not a lack of options.

George Kennan’s Other Long Telegram — About the Far East
By Francis P. Sempa
The author of Cold War containment recommended U.S. retrenchment across the board in Asia.

Reagan and the Case for Tactical Nukes in South Korea
By Joseph Bosco
To deal with North Korea, Trump should learn from Reagan's approach to the Soviet Union.
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