China Taiwan strategy

Beijing’s Targeting of Taiwan’s Undersea Cables Previews Cross-Strait Tensions Under a Trump Presidency
By Hans Horan
We can expect China to test the resilience of the Taiwan-U.S. partnership under Trump with more gray-zone operations.

Missing in the Gray Zone? China’s Maritime Militia Forces Around Taiwan
By Ryan D. Martinson
While maritime militia forces are not playing a major role in China’s multi-pronged pressure campaign against Taiwan, they are not completely absent from the battlespace.

PLA Maneuvers Near Taiwan in December: Misperceptions and Strategic Realities
By Yu-cheng Chen
Although China continues to employ military force as a primary tool for deterring Taiwan, the recent series of military activities differs significantly from previous operations.

China’s Amphibious Warfare: History, Doctrine, and Forces
By Andrew S. Erickson
Part one of a two-part series detailing China’s amphibious warfare and the implications for Taiwan.

Perfect Storm: The Rising Risk of China-US Conflict Over Taiwan
By William Matthews
A PLA command structure in disarray and a hawkish Trump Cabinet could lead to disastrous miscalculation over Taiwan.

China Conducts More Military Drills Around Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
The drills were ostensibly a response to the National Day speech by Taiwan's president, which many overseas analysts had viewed as restrained.

Will Kinmen Be Taiwan’s Crimea?
By Sam Goodman
A relatively pro-China population and proximity to the mainland mean Beijing might test the waters by attempting to annex the Kinmen Islands.

The Iran Factor in the China-Taiwan-US Triangle
By Thiago de Aragao
China could seek to use Iran as a tool to push the United States farther and farther from Taiwan.

Beyond the Battlefield: China’s Quiet Bid to Sway Taiwan’s 2024 Election (and Future)
By Shaoyu Yuan and Jun Xiang
In the psychological sense, China’s “invasion” of Taiwan is well underway.

Taiwan Should Follow the Philippines’ Model for Revealing China’s Gray Zone Tactics
By Thomas J. Shattuck, Benjamin Lewis, and Kenneth Allen
Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense should amplify its disclosures of PLA activity to reap the most benefits from its transparency initiative.

China’s Word Game: A New Narrative of the “One China Principle”
By Chien-Huei Wu, Ching-Fu Lin, and Yun-Sheng Lin
China has been attempting to camouflage its “one China principle” as a “general principle of law” in the international arena to strengthen the legitimacy of its claim over Taiwan.

Will China Embrace Nuclear Brinkmanship as It Reaches Nuclear Parity?
By Michael Tkacik
In the future, China may incorporate nuclear weapons into its framework of political threats, intimidation, and even the use of force to achieve its international goals.
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