Mongolia environment

‘No One Left Behind’: UNDP Representative Matilda Dimovska on Mongolia’s Development Journey
By Bolor Lkhaajav
“Among the most significant contributions of UNDP are the development of the key pillars of a market economy, but also of democracy and accountability.”

Mongolia Signs an Ambitious Conservation Agreement With The Nature Conservancy
By Bolor Lkhaajav
The 15-year, $198 million agreement underscores Mongolia's willingness to adopt best practices from other countries in its quest for sound environmental stewardship.

Mongolia’s Fight Against Desertification and Land Degradation
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Mongolia’s approach looks to incorporate both international experiences and the traditions of local communities.

Why Is Pope Francis Visiting Mongolia?
By Michel Chambon
Despite the distance and his declining health, Pope Francis is giving priority to Mongolia. There are three main reasons for that.

Finland and Norway Can Help Solve Mongolia’s Clean Water Issue
By Bolor Lkhaajav
The Scandinavian countries could help Mongolia address its chronic water security issues, but the impetus will need to come from Ulaanbaatar.

How to Fix Mongolia’s Mining Industry
By Bolormaa Purevjav
Stakeholders’ engagement is key in ensuring mining benefits Mongolian communities and society.

China-Financed Hydroelectric Power Plant Faces Popular Opposition in Mongolia
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Critics say the Erdeneburen hydroelectric power plant, which will be Mongolia’s largest, risks devastating crucial wetlands.

Why Was the UN Secretary General Planting Trees in Mongolia?
By Julian Dierkes and Jangar Tsembel
Antonio Guterres' participation in a tree-planting ceremony was a high-profile boost for the Mongolian government's One Billion Trees campaign.

Mongolia’s ‘1 Billion Tree’ Movement
By Bolor Lkhaajav
The policy was launched to much fanfare, but can the participants follow through on their commitments?

Dilemma of the Sacred Lands: Preserving Mongolia’s Ovoos
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Amid Mongolia's mining boom, cultural sites such as ovoos (cairns) need special protection.

What COP26’s Shift Away From Coal Means for Mongolia
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Coal-based economies like Mongolia will need a rewiring of climate finance to make a transition to clean energy possible.

COVID-19 and Cashmere: Rethinking One of Mongolia’s Largest Industries
By Jacob Hafey
The current stagnation of the market has created a window to ensure that cashmere production can continue without ruining the land.
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