Kyrgyzstan women's rights

The Difficult Path to Justice for Rape Victims in Kyrgyzstan
By Catherine Putz
After a long legal battle, the rapist of a 16-year-old disabled girl in Kyrgyzstan was sentenced to 11 years in prison. The case illustrates how difficult justice is to achieve, even in the most horrific of crimes.

Why Do Central Asian Governments Keep Failing the Region’s Women?
By Catherine Putz
Women in Central Asia “feel unsafe everywhere,” says Svetlana Dzardanova, with recent horrific attacks drawing attention again to a very old problem.

International Women’s Day: Flowers or ‘the Language of Force’ for Women in Central Asia?
By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
Central Asian governments must do more to provide a robust response to domestic violence, equal protection to survivors of abuse, and protect women’s rights both in policy and practice.

Child Rape Case Sparks Protests in Kyrgyzstan
By Catherine Putz
Although the protests were small in scale, activists continue to make strident pleas for President Japarov to address the plight of women and girls in Kyrgyzstan.

Aizada Kanatbekova: A Young Woman Kidnapped and Murdered in Kyrgyzstan
By Catherine Putz
“Bride kidnapping” is claimed by some to be a traditional practice. Others call it what it is: forced marriage, which sometimes results in murder.

Local Council Elections a Big Test for Kyrgyzstan’s 2019 Gender Quota Law
By Colleen Wood
The gender quota in local councils is no panacea, but it is an important step in creating the capacity to address the challenges women face in Kyrgyzstan.

In the Face of Violence, Kyrgyz Woman Continue to Struggle for Justice
By Catherine Putz
Women in Kyrgyzstan continue to face significant hurdles in accessing justice when it comes to gender-based violence.

Police Disruption of Women’s Day March Illegal, Kyrgyz Supreme Court Rules
By Catherine Putz
Overturning the decisions of two lower courts, the Kyrgyz Supreme Court says police should not have cracked down on the March 8 protest.

Viral Video Exposes Domestic Abuse in Kyrgyzstan. To What End?
By Colleen Wood
A viral video depicting horrific domestic abuse reveals tension in social media’s mobilizing power.
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