China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

China in Pakistan’s Power Sector: The Hidden Costs Behind Pakistan’s Energy Overcapacity
By Nishant Yadav
Contracts with Chinese power producers have left Pakistan footing a massive bill for inefficient supply – all while electricity shortfalls continue.

Trouble Brewing in Pakistan’s Wild West
By Tushar Shetty
Uzair Younus and Kunwar Khuldune Shahid join host Tushar Shetty to discuss the rise of militancy and the impact on CPEC.

China-Pakistan’s ‘All Weather Friendship’ Gets Rebuff From Taliban
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Beijing has sought to press the Taliban, on behalf of Pakistan, to deal with the TTP. The Taliban remain unmoved.

Is Gwadar a White Elephant Project?
By Eve Register
From the port to the new airport, Chinese projects in Gwadar have fallen far short of expectations.

The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences
By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Intense competition, epitomized by competing “corridors,” is emerging in Asia and beyond between the U.S., China, and Russia.

China-Pakistan Relations Are at a Crossroads
By Marcus Andreopoulos
Beijing is waiting to see if new security measures are successful – and if its business in Pakistan can resume as normal.

Ensuring Security for Progress: Pakistan’s Commitment to Chinese Safety
By Ayesha Sikandar
In the face of continued attacks, Pakistan is making efforts to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals as well as foreign investments.

Is China Souring on Pakistan?
By Eram Ashraf
The China-Pakistan joint statement issued during the visit of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is illuminating, both for what it says – and doesn't say.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Is Under Attack
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
A new wave of militancy threatens the next phase of CPEC – and potentially the China-Pakistan relationship.

Rain Causes Havoc in Balochistan’s Coastal Region
By Zeeshan Nasir
Gwadar, the centerpiece of CPEC, is among the worst-affected areas, exacerbating local complaints of official neglect.

The Belt and Road Initiative’s Impact Depends on the Recipient Country
By Tola Amusan
The nature of domestic institutions in China’s partners determines whether the BRI actually advances socioeconomic development or simply enriches elites.

Unrest in the Middle East Is Bad for Both CPEC and IMEC
By Burak Elmali
As uncertainties deepen, what lies ahead for these dueling connectivity projects?
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