
What’s Next for Bhutan After Its Election
By Shannon Tiezzi
Tenzing Lamsang, editor of The Bhutanese, discusses why voters chose the PDP and what the new government has planned, particularly for Bhutan's ailing economy.

China’s Military Shakeup: What You Need to Know
An interview with Lyle Morris about China's new defense minister and what's driving arguably the biggest purge in PLA history.

Balochistan’s Long March Protest
By Shannon Tiezzi
An interview with Somaiyah Hafeez about the current protest movement demanding an end to forced disappearances and real accountability in Balochistan.

China, America, and Vietnam’s Diplomatic Blitz in 2023
By Sebastian Strangio
The Diplomat interviews Khang Vu, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at Boston College, about Vietnam’s diplomatic strategy amid great power competition.

Can China-Europe Relations Be Salvaged?
The Diplomat interviews Theresa Fallon, founder and director of CREAS in Brussels, about the China-EU summit outcomes and what's next for the relationship.

This Week in Asia: December 1, 2023
The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.

What Do We Know About India’s Assassination Program?
Journalist Siddharthya Roy discusses the allegations of India's extraterritorial assassination program, and why the latest indictment is an "absolute game changer."

Is ‘Operation 1027’ a Game Changer for Myanmar?
By Sebastian Strangio
An interview with Yun Sun about the progress of the military offensive, and the question of how China’s government is reacting to the conflict on its border.

This Week in Asia: November 17, 2023
The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.

China’s Vision for AI Technology
From the AI Safety Summit to the Global AI Governance Initiative, how is China's approach to AI shaping up?

This Week in Asia: November 10, 2023
The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.

This Week in Asia: November 3, 2023
The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.