Australia soft power

What Should Australia Do in This Strongman Soft Power Age?
By Grant Wyeth
We have entered an era where strongmen leaders exercising brute force provides an irresistible emotional thrill. It’s a spectacle that no furry animal or sporting endeavor could match.

Does Urban Design Matter for International Engagement?
By Grant Wyeth
Good design is a decentralized mechanism for international engagement. It is a soft power tool that can produce expanding effects.

Moral Authority: Australia at a Crossroads
By Grant Wyeth
Entrenched interests and orthodoxies will inhibit the new Australian government’s ability to significantly enhance the country’s moral authority.

China, Australia, and the Soft Power of Rugby in the South Pacific
By Thomas Wilkinson
Samoa will host a rugby tournament, thanks to Chinese funding. But Australia sees the sport as its own soft power advantage.

Australia Plus: ABC International Means Business
By Lewis Hirst
Australia's latest international media push could be a promising sign for the country's economy.
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