Australian government

What Should Australia Do in This Strongman Soft Power Age?
By Grant Wyeth
We have entered an era where strongmen leaders exercising brute force provides an irresistible emotional thrill. It’s a spectacle that no furry animal or sporting endeavor could match.

Is This the Australian Government’s Marshall Plan?
By Marc Purcell and Grant Wyeth
The Albanese government announced its new International Development Policy which aims to create the foundations for a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific.

Is the Australian Parliament the Least Safe Place to Be a Woman?
By Joshua Mcdonald
A series of sexual assault and harassment allegations have rocked the Australian government. But will it take action?

What Does Australia's Defense White Paper Actually Say?
By Benjamin David Baker
When reading Australia's latest defense white paper, it's prudent to take stock of the greater picture.

Trust Vacuum Leaves Australia Struggling to Govern
By Max Rashbrooke
In international comparison, Australia still shows some of the best policy performances and governance.

The Truth About China's Aircraft Carriers: A Conversation With Greg Austin
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat‘s Ankit Panda and Dr. Greg Austin discuss China's aircraft carriers, naval strategy, U.S.-China cyber relations, and Australian national security.
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