Bangladesh Islamism

In Bangladesh, Islamists Are Stepping up Actions Against Women
By Subir Bhaumik
A series of troubling incidents have seen Islamic groups threaten violence to force the cancellation of women's football matches and store openings featuring Bangladeshi actresses.

The Repression of Muslim Identity and the Rise of Conservative Islam in Bangladesh
By Shafi Md Mostofa
The imposition of secularism by the ruling elites catalyzed a conservative backlash that has continued to shape the religious and political landscape of the country since independence.

What Does a Taliban Government Mean for the Rest of South Asia?
By Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy
Countries like Bangladesh, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka could see intensified terrorism thanks to links with the Taliban.

What’s Behind the Surge in Violent Islamism in Bangladesh?
By Sudha Ramachandran
Domestic political expediency, history, and ideology have made for a toxic mix in Bangladesh as it celebrates 50 years of independence.

Bangladesh at 50: The Transformation of a Nation
By Ali Riaz and Saimum Parvez
As the country reaches its golden jubilee, it stands at a crossroads.

Bangladesh’s Government Caught in the Crossfire as Its Public Assails France
By Austin Bodetti
Amid COVID-19, the South Asian country needs its economic partnerships with France more than ever. Will public opinion get in the way?

Tens of Thousands in Bangladesh Protest Against France
By Associated Press
The public outcry over drawings of the Prophet Muhammad continues to grow, even as Bangladesh’s government remains silent.

Could Bangladesh Be Heading for One-Party Rule?
By Amit Sengupta
With the BNP's Khaleda Zia in jail and Islamic parties besieged, it's a probability more than just a possibility.

Bangladesh’s Risky Islamist Gambit
By Seth Oldmixon
The Awami League's outreach to Islamist groups will not encourage, not moderate, extremists.
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