Japan next-generation fighter aircraft

Japan, the UK, and Italy Discuss Bringing Saudi Arabia Into Their Next-Generation Fighter Jet Project
By Takahashi Kosuke
Should Japan prioritize shared values or securing oil money?

Navigating Next-Gen Air Power in the Indo-Pacific
By Wilder Alejandro Sánchez
The United States’ Indo-Pacific adversaries are already working on their next-generation fighter jets. Washington can’t fall behind.

Is Japan Leaving Pacifism Behind?
By Jio Kamata
Although with deep hesitation, the country as a whole is beginning to reconfigure the meaning of pacifism.

Proactive Pacifism, Arms Exports, and Japan’s Quest to Be ‘One of the Good Guys’
By James Kaizuka
The Kishida administration’s decision to export advanced fighter jets is part of a long evolution in Japan’s understanding of what it means to be a peaceful nation.

After Months of Talks, Japan’s Ruling Coalition Agrees to Allow the Sale of Its Next-Gen Fighter Jets
By Takahashi Kosuke
The LDP was able to convince its traditionally pacifist partner, Komeito, to okay yet another loosening of defense export rules.

Japan’s Ruling Party Wants to Export Its Next-Generation Fighter. The Public Is Reluctant.
By Jio Kamata
The LDP's coalition partner is opposed to allowing exports of the co-produced fighters, citing public resistance to the idea.

Japan Yet to Make Decision on Next-Generation Fighter Aircraft Partnership
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Discussions with both the United Kingdom and the United States are continuing, according to the Japanese Ministry of Defense.

What Will Japan’s Next Fighter Project Look Like?
By Robert Farley
From the outside, it may look a lot different than any other country’s fighter. On the inside, it may share crucial components with one or more international partners.
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